
Microtia & Atresia

Microtia and atresia are congenital malformations of the ear that often result in a hearing loss. 

Continue reading to learn more about these conditions.

What is microtia and atresia?

Microtia is the term given to a malformed or missing pinna (outer portion of your ear). 

When a child is born without an ear canal or there is no opening, this is called atresia

It is common for both conditions to co-occur. Majority of children born with these conditions have no other medical problems. However, microtia can also be associated with many syndromes such as Treacher Collins, Goldenhar and Pfeiffer syndrome, to name a few. 

Both conditions are caused during the early stages of pregnancy when the ear fails to develop or fuse properly. It is important for mothers to know that these conditions are often not due to any wrong doings on their part. 

In Australia, children born with microtia and/or atresia will often undergo routine hearing tests. If a loss is identified, this will usually be managed by Hearing Australia. In most cases, children with a loss will require a bone anchored hearing aid. Nowadays, reconstructive surgery can be performed for cosmetic purposes.

Microtia and Atresia Signs & Symptoms

Most often, microtia and atresia will be diagnosed by a doctor at birth. These conditions usually affect one ear only but may also occur in both ears.

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