why is Food and nutrition important?


People often underestimate why food and nutrition is important. There are SO MANY fads, people with different opinions and crazy supplements online, that people are often left feeling overwhelmed when making food and nutrition choices. This is where a dietitian helps. A person can only call themselves a dietitian if they are university qualified and are registered with a professional body who ensures they are up to date with the latest research on food and nutrition.

why is Food and Nutrition important
Better Understand The Role of a dietitian

What services does a dietitian offer?

  • Medical nutrition therapy – a dietitian will assess and identify your nutritional needs to mitigate against chronic health conditions and other negative health symptoms. 

  • Food service management – a dietitian may work with facilities to assess current menus and train staff. 

  • Community and public health nutrition – a dietitian may work with larger scale organisations to create nutrition programs and educational resources, including cooking classes and school talks. 

when should I see a dietitian?

  • If you have a newly diagnosed chronic health condition 
  • If you are experiencing significant weight change
  • If you are aware of poor food intake, appetite or have issues preparing or eating food
  • If you are on an existing medical nutrition plan that needs to be reviewed

Health conditions that a dietitian can help with

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity and weight issues
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Renal disease
  • Gastro-intestinal disease
  • Food allergies
  • Swallowing difficulties 
  • Osteoporosis 
  • Pre and post surgery healthy living

6 fun facts about Food and nutrition

Healthy diet in Brisbane

So, why is food and nutrition important? The best way to fully understand why food and nutrition is important to your life is to see a dietitian. Our East Brisbane dietitians are among some of the best in Brisbane. Why not give us a call on (07) 3310 4494 today?

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