School hearing screening

It is important to have hearing screens in schools because children with undiagnosed hearing loss are at further risk of speech, language and learning delays.

We offer school hearing screening services to schools Queensland-wide. 

Please complete the form at the bottom of this page for your personalised quote. 

What is Involved in a school hearing screening?

Our Masters qualified Audiologist will come to your school to screen the students. 

The school hearing screening process is as follows:

– We usually require a quiet space to set up the equipment and conduct testing. 

– We can screen up to 50 children per day. It takes roughly 5 – 10 minutes to screen each child.

– The school will receive each child’s summarised hearing report to give to parents within 7 days of testing.

– Support and information regarding referral pathways will be provided, as required. 

Please note: Our audiology team have a valid Working with Children Blue Card and are fully vaccinated. 

What tests are involved in a school hearing screening?

1. Otoscopy 

– Visual inspection of the child’s earcanal and eardrum.

2. Pure Tone Audiometry 

– The child is required to wear headphones and press a button every time they hear a sound. This gives the Audiologist an indication of what sounds a child can or cannot hear. 

3. Tympanometry 

– Assesses middle ear/eardrum function. This helps us to identify any infections or colds. 

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on (07) 3310 4494.

Hearing Tests East Brisbane
School Screening Quote Enquiry
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