How much wine is too much?

Question: What do you call a wine hangover?

Answer: The Grape Depression!

How Much is Too Much?

Ok, all jokes and puns aside – a common question that wine enthusiasts ask is how much wine is too much? 

Australian guidelines suggest that more than 3 standard alcoholic drinks per day, on a regular basis, can be harmful. In fact, to reduce the risk of alcohol-related disease, healthy adult men and women should not drink more than 10 standard drinks per week (Department of Health, 2020). 

So, what is a standard drink? To give you context, one standard drink roughly equates to a 100mL glass of wine. As a fun fact, an average serving of wine in a restaurant is 150mL, equating to 1.5 standard drinks (Queensland Government, 2015).

Alcohol only takes a few minutes to reach the brain in a healthy adult. Even after you stop drinking, your blood alcohol content (BAC) continues to rise, as the alcohol in your stomach gets absorbed into your blood. 

As a basis for how much is too much, let’s look at BAC more closely:

  • In a healthy adult, one standard drink increases BAC by 0.02 and takes about an hour to break down. Hence, why it is recommended to drink no more than 1 standard drink per hour.
  • A BAC of 0.05-0.08 can start to impair judgement and movement. 
  • A BAC of 0.08 – 0.15 can lead to incoordination, slurred speech and nausea/vomiting. 
  • A BAC of 0.15 – 0.30 can lead to memory loss, difficulty breathing and sleepiness. 
  • A BAC above 0.30 can lead to coma and death. 

Long Term Health Effects

Alcohol misuse and abuse can lead to many short term and long term effects, negatively impacting physical and mental health as well as your job, finances and relationships with your family (Department of Health, 2021).

Some well-known long-term effects inlcude:

Culture & Alcohol

Alcohol is an intrinsic part of Australian culture! Whether it’s going down to the pub for a “bevvie” after knock-off or cracking open a “stubbie” with friends. In Australia, unfortunately, there is significant societal pressure that you need to drink alcohol to ‘fit in’.

We often associate Italy with fine wine and large wine-producing regions. Interestingly, if we compare Australian statistics to Italy for a minute, we see that Australians consume 3x more beer than Italy (which may come as no surprise) and overall our alcohol consumption is ranked 14th in contrast to Italy who ranks 22nd in the world (Nation Master, 2022). Would you like to know what country consumes the most alcohol? You may be surprised to learn it is actually the Czech Republic where like us Aussies, beer is the drink of choice! 

Culture largely impacts how alcohol is consumed. For example, in countries like Italy, France and Spain, alcohol is considered a morally ‘neutral’ part of normal life, whereby lower levels of alcohol-related problems occur. This is in contrast to ‘morally charged’ cultures like Australia, the US and UK, where there is a higher incidence of alcohol-related issues (Social Issues Research Centre, 2022).

I think I need Help?

So now that we have answered your question of how much wine is too much, maybe you are thinking it’s time to get help… but don’t know where to start? The first step is to reach out to a trained counsellor or your GP, so that you can come to terms with the problem. After speaking with an expert, you may find you need extra help and assistance re-establishing healthy habits. This is where allied health services such as dietetics and health coaching can be invaluable. 

Please see below for a list of well-regarded counselling services in Australia.  

At Urban Well, health literacy is important to us. That is why we have made it our mission to educate others on how to live a healthy lifestyle, reducing the risk of many chronic health conditions. Our team of dietitians and health coaches are fully-equipped with tips and tricks that will help you take control of your health, which may or may not include helping you better manage alcohol within your diet. 

If you have concerns about alcohol in your diet, please don’t hesitate to have a chat with one of our professionals for a judgement-free discussion. Give us a call on (07) 3310 4494. 







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