Hearing tests

Are painless and easy. Your hearing is a complex system connecting your ears to your brain. To identify the type and degree of hearing difficulty you are experiencing across this system, our team will carry out a number of tests. 

We are thorough, efficient and always take the time to explain your results and options.


Hearing Screening

Not sure if you have a hearing loss? Quickly identify if you require further testing with a hearing screen. This is a shortened version of a pure tone audiometry test (see below) that gives you a snapshot of your hearing levels.

Your audiologist presents a series of beeps, at a limited range of pitches and volumes. They will discuss your results and determine if further action is required. 

This generally includes:

  • Discussion of your health history & lifestyle
  • Otoscopy
  • Pure Tone Audiometry (Screen)

Duration:  15 – 30 mins

Cost: $50

Standard Hearing Assessment

The best option if you are over the age of 50. Recommended as part of a regular health check or if you are finding certain listening environments challenging – such as busy restaurants or group settings but are unsure if you have a hearing loss. 

Your audiologist will determine what tests to undertake, discuss your results and talk to you about solutions. 

This generally includes:

  • Discussion of your health history & lifestyle
  • Otoscopy
  • Pure Tone Audiometry  (Air & Bone Conduction Testing)
  • Speech Audiometry Testing

Duration:  45 – 60 mins

Cost: $100 

(*fully subsidised for pensioners as part of the Hearing Services Program)

Extended Hearing Assessment

This type of assessment is best for those who have been recommended to get their hearing tested by a health professional, have a complex health history or if you know you have (or most likely have) hearing loss.

Your audiologist will perform the same tests as a standard hearing assessment but this appointment type allows for more time to discuss your health history, results and trialling of options. 

Duration:  60 – 90 mins

Cost: $100

(*fully subsidised for pensioners as part of the Hearing Services Program)



A unique service that we offer is hearing screens for kindergarten and primary school students over the age of 3 years. Young children in particular are at risk of recurrent ear infections. Hearing is extremely important for speech, language and learning development. School screenings are an effective way of identifying underlying hearing issues early to maximise a child’s educational outcomes. 

Price varies depending on school size and location. Click here to get a quote today!

On-Site Workplace Hearing Screening and Noise Assessments

Noise induced hearing loss is a significant issue within Australia that is completely preventable. Our Audiologist will come to your workplace to identify workers at risk of noise damage, potential noise sources and how to control them, as well as recommend appropriate PPE. For more detailed information on what this service includes, click here

Price varies depending on organisation size and location. Click here to get a quote today!

Your hearing matters to us.

Book a hearing test today. 

Call: 07 3310 4494 

Hearing Assessments Explained


Your audiologist will look in your ear with a piece of equipment called an otoscope. They are checking if your ear canal is free from obstruction from things such as wax or foreign objects as well as looking at the health of your ear canal and ear drum (tympanic membrane).

Air Conduction - Pure Tone Audiometry

Is your standard hearing test that most people know. It identifies the softest sounds you can hear. You wear a set of headphones or earplugs and your audiologist plays as series of tones at specific pitches and volume, to one ear at a time. This test helps determine your level of hearing loss and enables your audiologist to start to build a picture of how they can help.

Bone Conduction - Pure Tone Audiometry

Another painless and easy test that helps determine the type of hearing loss. Rather than sound being delivered through your ear canal, it bypasses your outer and middle ear and is sent through the bones in your skull, to your inner ear, where your cochlea (your organ of hearing) lives. This test helps your audiologist to decide whether conventional hearing aids will be beneficial.

Speech Audiometry

There are a variety of ways that your audiologist can assess your ability to hear speech sounds, discriminate between words and hear speech in background noise. They will determine the test that best suits situations that you are finding a challenge. You will hear a word or sentence and be asked to repeat them back.


Assesses the proper function of your middle ear. Your audiologist uses a piece of equipment called a tympanometer to determine the condition and movement of your ear drum (tympanic membrane), as it responds to changes in pressure.

Where are we located?

For Audiology Services and Hearing Tests, East Brisbane:

a: 992A Stanley St, East Brisbane, QLD 4169 

ph: 07 3310 4494

e: connect@brisbanehearing.com.au

Hearing Tests East Brisbane
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