Why do we need custom earplugs?

We often get asked, what are custom earplugs? Custom earplugs or ‘hearsavers’ are made specifically to your ear shape. They can be used for a range of applications from noise protection in the workplace (or around the house) to protection from infections and irritation caused by water.

Why do we need custom earplugs?

Looking specifically at noise induced hearing loss… In Australia, noise induced hearing loss is a major health and economic problem amounting to $41 million in workers compensation claims each year. In fact, occupational noise induced hearing loss alone impacts around 4700 Australians each year, with its incidence on the rise (Rutlin, 2020).

While many noisy workplaces have mandated hearing protection, unfortunately uptake among workers varies significantly. Other problems with hearing protection in workplaces are:

– ill-fitting earplugs resulting in discomfort or ‘acoustic leaks’,
– workers not being trained properly with regard to when or how to use them and
– wearing incorrect protection that does not have the appropriate attenuation

There also seems to be a lack of awareness when it comes to mundane jobs around the house that are potentially destructive to your hearing, such as:

– lawn mowing,
– using power tools and
– vacuuming for extended periods of time.

Unless suddenly exposed to an extremely loud sound, more common than not, noise induced hearing loss is a gradual process. This means that often younger workers do not realise the significance of the damage they are doing because it is not having an immediate impact on them.

What most younger individuals do not realise is that the alternative to not wearing noise protection now, is the premature use of hearing aids.

As fantastic as modern hearing aids are, I am sure you can agree that most people would want to avoid this for as long as possible. One of the only ways to prolong this is wearing noise protection early and consistently.

So, why do we need custom earplugs? I think that answers your question.

Noise earplugs

Noise induced hearing loss is entirely preventable and is irreversible...

Who needs custom earplugs?

Some examples of individuals who have benefited from custom earplugs include:

  • Dentists
  • Emergency service workers (e.g. ambulance drivers)
  • Construction workers
  • Factory or farm workers
  • Musicians
  • Night club workers
  • People that enjoy gardening
  • Craftsmen
  • Cleaners
  • Mechanics
  • Aviation workers
  • Heavy machinery operators
  • Motorcyclists
  • People with issues sleeping due to their partner’s snoring or other external noises
  • Shift workers who need to block out neighbouring noises during the day to sleep
  • People that enjoy swimming, surfing and/or other water sports

What are the different custom earplug options?

Filtered Earplugs

Solid Noise Earplugs

Sleep Earplugs

Swimming Earplugs
Reduce overall sounds without compromising quality. Ideal for musicians, dentists and other noisy professions where you still need to hear what people are saying.
Reduces environmental noises significantly. Ideal for construction workers, loud concert goers, heavy equipment operators and for other noisy tasks around the house.
Designed to give you a comfortable and quiet night's sleep. Ideal for people who travel, people who have issues with their partner snoring and shift workers.
Protects your ears from water, reducing your risk of infections and irritation. Ideal for swimmers, people who enjoy water sports and after ear operations when your ears need to stay dry to assist healing.

What are the benefits of custom earplugs?

Some of the many benefits of custom earplugs are that they:

- Stay in your ears better
- Are more comfortable than most foam earplugs or over the ear muffs
- Are mostly resistant to moisture and sweat
- Form a better seal to prevent acoustic leaks
- Re-usable
- Better for the environment than one-use disposable earplugs
- Offer adequate levels of attenuation for most loud jobs
- Protect and prevent noise induced hearing loss
- Come in a range of colours and options that can be adapted based on your individual needs

Where can I get custom earplugs made?

Speak to your local audiologist about custom earplugs, if any of the above information applies to you.

At Urban Well we offer all the above earplug options. You can book an appointment today either online through our booking system or give us a call on (07) 3310 4494. During the appointment we will take a mould of your ears, so try to make sure you have managed your wax if you are prone to build-ups and do not have any current ear infections.

After we have taken a mould of your ears it takes about 2 weeks to make your earplugs.

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